Employee Injury
OCIP and CCIP Comp Claims Guide for Sub Contractors

If you read our Article "Why You Need Claims Management on OCIP Workers Compensation Claims"  then you know how powerful a well designed and implemented return to work program can be. Rather than trying to figure out how to build it yourself, the Risk Advisors at Metropolitan Risk put together this time-saving OCIP and CCIP Comp Claims Guide to assist organizations, like yours, build their own program.

Build your Return to Work Program

Fill out the form below to build your Return to Work Program.

OCIP and CCIP Comp Claims Guide

This Guide Includes:

From how to convince senior management on why  implementing the program has a huge positive ROI , to the last step "The Rollout". This quick guide gives you the what, the why and the how.

Use to communicate the entire program across all stakeholders. Who does what by job title. It's easy for most organizations to mix and match by job title and responsibility. The important piece is the "what", you can decide the "who".

After you read the step by step guide we give you a checklist to make sure you haven't missed any steps. It also includes a need by date, Use this one or use ours as an example  to build your own.

1 Bridge Street, Suite 140

Irvington, NY


OCIP and CCIP Comp Claims Guide

Starting Form Scratch: A 14-Step Guide

Stakeholder Flowchart


OCIP and CCIP Comp Claims Guide