Metropolitan Risk is a risk management and insurance brokerage firm in Irvington that serves to help find insurance for small businesses in the tri-state area surrounding New York City. Met Risk is the fastest growing risk management and insurance brokerage in Westchester county and is well reviewed and received by many to all of its clients.


Failure to Comply with “Wage Theft Prevention Act” Can Yield Huge Fines

In case you haven’t heard, the “Wage Theft Prevention Act” took effect in April 2011. This means that by February 1 (of each year) employers will have to give a written notice of wage rates to all of their employees. This is in addition…

Monitoring your Business and the Local Environment for Risks

One vital aspect of running a business is being able to understand the risks you face. Once you have a handle on that, you are in a much better place to initiate strategies for risk management. NY is a big, busy city with a large population…

Preparing for a Workers Comp Audit

What exactly is an audit? The dictionary says it is a thorough examination or check – an in-depth examination of every part of a process. That applies whether you’re talking about accounting audits or workers compensation audits. You usually…

IRS Releases 2012 Calendar for Small Business

The Internal Revenue Service just released their 2012 calendar for small business which includes all of the neccessary filing dates for most of your perfunctory transactions.   Although the corporate filing deadline remains  March…

Protecting your Supply Chain

Operating a business means maintaining complex operations. Streamlined operational procedures are vital - not least for keeping track of all the potential loose ends in your supply chains, which may be key for your risk management. NY is one…

Developing/Maintaining Efficient Work Systems

The best preparation you can have for any kind of audit is good record keeping, efficient systems and standard operating procedures that are adhered to at all levels. This is true of all business audits, including financial audits, stock audits…

Understanding Risk Management for Your Business

Ever wonder why there is so much seemingly incomprehensible text in the fine print of your insurance policy? Every industry has its fair share of jargon and the insurance industry is no exception. One term that crops up regularly and may be…

Workers Compensation Audits - How to Face Them

The word audit is not something anyone wants to hear. For most people it conjures up images of frenzied hunting for pieces of paper you know you were meant to keep track of and a general increase in stress levels. A workers compensation audit…

Why Risk Management is Important for Small Businesses

Every business should have a business plan, even small businesses. No matter what the size of a business, writing a business plan helps you focus on every area, including basic risk management. NY small businesses may face particular dangers…