Worker safety is imperative for all sides of the insurance. Employers would love to keep premiums and workers comp claims down, making worker safety one of their top priorities. Employees want to make sure their well-being is thought of, and insurance carriers would like to pay less out to workers comp claims that could have been prevented with proper training.


work injury sticker

Work Injuries - Main Types and Causes

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Work injuries are all too common in the workplace. Just this year alone, workplace injuries will cost businesses over $59 billion, and that number continues to increase every year. Among the list of top workplace injuries, the “usual suspects”…

National Safety Stand-Down Week Announced ( With INFOGRAPHIC)

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OSHA recently announced that the National Safety Stand-Down Week will take place September 14-18, 2020. This week is to recognize fall dangers, and, in general, work-site safety. Fall-related injuries continue to be the number one leader in…
Woman wearing mask

Wearing Face Masks Have New DOL Guidelines

The DOL published a new guideline, detailing that different workers need different types of face masks. They have split up the groups of workers in terms of risk of receiving/transmitting disease while on the job. There are 5 different groups:…