Companies Responsible for Oil Spill are Being Sued for Damages

BP and 8 other oil companies which include Anandarko Petroleum, MOEX, Transocean, and others who are responsible for the huge oil spill disaster back in April are being sued, fined, and penalized for billions of dollars for the natural resource damage that the spill caused. The oil rig caught fire and sank to the ocean floor, killing eleven workers and releasing millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf Sea for four months until the well was sealed. The oil companies violated safety and precautionary regulations, failing to use safe drilling equipment, and their disregard to cement which was a factor that caused the spill.    BP agreed to a twenty billion dollar endowment to pay all the legal claims. Transocean rejected the responsibility, claiming that they followed procedures, blueprints, and calculations given by BP that fed. directors accepted. Transocean and Andarko Petroleum blame BP who is the owner of the oil rig. MOEX had no responsibility in authorizing the activities of the well. The oil spill may have been stopped, but the debt and repercussions of the companies’ safety and procedural negligence will last for many years after the event. Following occupational safety and health standards is important and should not be forgotten as a priority. There are agencies in New York and New Jersey to help your business evaluate your risks and find solutions to mitigate potential dangers and events. Business insurance agencies can help manage your finances by viewing your worker compensation insurance policy, and business general liability coverage.