Man petting dog

Ergonomics, or the study of people’s efficiency in the workplace, is a fast-growing field of research. Part of ergonomics is designing the workplace individually for everyone’s physical status, and lowering the number of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). Currently, MSDs account for 33% of injured work claims, and $1 billion are spent on treatment every week for this pain. Here are 5 ways in which you can help yourself against MSDs and participate in ergonomics.

Learn How To Correctly Sit in an Office Chair

Sitting in an office chair all day can be exhausting and after a while, our body tends to slide into unhealthy positions. Keeping a good posture by sitting all the way back into the chair will help your back, neck, and hips.

Avoid the Bad Habit of Stretching for Things

If your workspace is spread out and you have the need to reach for frequently used items, you can be in danger of injuring important muscles in your arms and shoulders. Reorganizing your desk to keep your most-used items closer to you can save you the pain later.

Keep your Head Level

Staring at a screen all day is already unhealthy, so doing it the wrong way is even worse. Make sure you are looking at your monitor straight on to avoid your neck from unnecessary stress injuries.

Move Around!

A simple one to stick to, just moving around once an hour. This will help with stretching your legs and keeping yourself moving is a great way to avoid major back issues.

Watch your Elbows

Where you put your elbows is an important part of keeping yourself safe from MSDs. Simply having an armchair to put your elbows and stop growing discomfort is a quick fix for long-term stabilization.

Keeping up with ergonomics will keep you physically healthy and safe. Hopefully, these 5 tips will be useful for you and others in your office.