An important part of running a daycare at home is planning recreational activities. No parent wants to pay several hundred dollars a month to have his or her child sit in front of a TV all day. Planning physical activity and outdoor time is crucial. The great thing about owning an in-home daycare is that trips to the park may not be needed – you could turn your backyard into a private playground. Before letting the kids loose in the yard, however, you need to accomplish two tasks. The first is to obtain day care insurance, as falls and other injuries could easily occur while children are running around. The second is to make sure your yard is a safe place to play.

•    Are there poisonous plants on the property? Remove them immediately and keep an eye out for new growth.
•    Do not use toxic pesticides or fertilizers in areas children could get into.
•    Place barriers around all water features, from pools to fountains.
•    Does your property feature a sandbox? While one could offer hours of enjoyment to the kids you watch, it is essential you cover the sandbox when not in use – neighborhood cats may confuse it with a giant litter box.
•    Consider adding a fence around your home to keep adventurous children from wandering out and strangers from sneaking in.

By keeping safety at the forefront of your mind, you may be able to ensure each child goes home without injury. Accidents do occur however, even in the safest environments. This is why day care insurance is an essential investment for all childcare providers.