New York Closes Down a Brooklyn Tortilla Factory

On Monday January 24, 2011, twenty-two year old worker Juan Baten fell into a factory dough mixer at the Tortilleria Chinantla located in Brooklyn, New York. After this tragic incident, inspectors discovered that the factory’s worker’s compensation insurance depleted in March of 2010 and had not been renewed. The factory has been without worker’s compensation insurance for almost a year and is now being penalized with $56,000 in fines. The Tortilleria Chinantla factory will not operate until the company purchases worker’s compensation and pays off its fines.

Taking short-cuts to save your company money is definitely not worth the risk of losing an employee and other consequences you may face. Protect you business and your employees by renewing your New York or Ne Jersey worker’s compensation insurance policy every year and keeping up with OSHA regulations. Metropolitan Risk Advisory specializes in worker’s compensation and risk management. Don’t keep your business at danger any longer and give us a call to help you with your issues or concerns.