Revision of NY Workers Compensation Benefits
Since July 2010:
Short Term Disability (total benefits)
% of wage= 66.66
Weekly Pay:
Max length of time/ longevity of disability
Continual Disability Benefits (total)
% of wage=66.66
Weekly Pay:
Max length of time/ longevity of disability
Short Term incomplete Disability Benefits
% wage: 66.66% of difference between injured or ill employee’s avg. weekly pay prior to the incident and the employee’s salary earning capacity post incident at a different or at the same company.
Continual Incomplete Disability Benefits
% of wage= 66.66
Weekly Pay:
Max length of time of injury/ Longevity of disability
Max benefits and weeks for continual incomplete disability
Shoulder=$187,200. weeks=312
Hand= $146,400. weeks=244
Leg/Hip=$172,800. weeks=288
Foot=$123,000. weeks=205
Eye=$96,000. weeks=160
Both Ears=$90,000. weeks=150
One ear=$36,000. weeks=60
Injury-unscheduled: no official max
Payment for Scheduled Benefits:
Covered, plus short term full disability
Covered, upon ending short term full disability
Lowered upon receipt of short term full disability, under specific conditions
Regulation of Max Benefit Stratum
No regulatory arrangement
Distortion Benefits
Nature of Distortion- severe facial, neck, head, chest
Atonement given- $20,000 max
Max length of time- not available
Death Advantages towards family
% of worker’s salary paid:
Spouse= 66.66%
Max length of time- until the surviving spouse remarries or dies. The surviving spouse is given a two year portion upon remarriage. The children are covered until they turn 18 years of age, unless physically or mentally disabled or until they are 23 years of age as a full time student.
Extra Concentrations- Social Security advantages
Max burial allotment
Authorities of NY Worker’s Compensation Board set costs for funeral services. Funeral costs of $6,000 in urban counties are payable and costs of $5,000 in other counties are payable
Benefit Wait for all disabilities:
7 day wait
Compensation acknowledged for more than fourteen days if disability continues after noted period from the date of the incident
Compensation payment methods
Direct compensation
W.C Law Advantage Counteract Arrangements
An accepted counteract is given to a surviving spouse’s compensation up to 50% of the spouse’s social security advantages. No increase in compensation after the date of death will be given. If you or someone you know has lost a spouse due to a work related illness or injury and have issues and concerns about worker’s compensation, there are specialized agencies in New York who can help.