Children in families whose income levels do not exceed, $ 88,200 in New York, $77,175 in New Jersey may be eligible for for
Children’s Health Insurance Program

The CHIP program is for children of parents who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough money to afford to purchase a health insurance plan to cover their children. To qualify for the plan you must meet your state’s designated income
level, and your child must be presently uninsured.

Each state is different in terms of eligibility, coverage guidelines, administrative procedures and benefits. To find your state CHIP plan Click this CHIP MAP now for detailed state
information. To Apply for CHIP you may call their HOT LINE directly @ 1-877-543-7669  to be placed in touch with your state specific administrator.  

It can take up to 45 days for approval, however 11 states, New York being one of them may grant immediate, temporary coverage for children in both Medicaid and CHIP if they appear to be eligible.  

This can be a very affordable option for families who are struggling to provide critical health care coverage for their children. Finally it appears Congress got something right.

If you found this helpful leave a comment. I put alot of information out there and I am not sure what resonates and what doesn’t. Good luck, and god speed.