As a business owner, you already spend thousands of dollars on your business a year. Between hiring, payroll and investments, it may seem like you are always dishing out money. And then paying for insurance on top of all that? You may wonder when you will ever catch a break. Well…right now! Most likely, you do not realize that you are overpaying for your NY workers compensation. But how is that possible, right? Well, let us tell you about our workers compensation audits that will help save you money.

There are many factors that go into your workers compensation costs. However, too many businesses are overcharged due to incorrect payroll audits, improper classifications, tips and overtime wages and so much more. What you need to do is take action and speak with a professional who will fix these overcharges. This is where we come into play.

At Metropolitan Risk, we have a simple process that we use to make sure you get your money back. The three steps to this process are:

1.    Payroll audit verification process

2.    Payroll audit preparation

3.    Experience modification factor audit

After all is said and done, we know you will be surprised to see how much you may be overpaying. Your money could be put towards much better use! With a simple workers compensation audit, your eyes will be opened the inaccuracy of other reports you may have had in the past. Don’t let your business be taken advantage of!