Health and Safety Regulations and Workers Compensation

Have you found the various rules and regulations concerning health and safety in your workplace confusing? You’re not alone, many new business owners feel overwhelmed by the requirements and the number of things they need to know about keeping their workplace safe for themselves and their employees.

While regulations differ from state to state and among various industries, the following is a basic health and safety checklist that applies to most businesses. Although, it’s only a basic guideline, if you follow and implement each step you’ll go a long way towards ensuring a safe workplace.

Compile a health and safety policy that is specific to your business.

  • Develop a set of operating procedures and job descriptions that incorporate safety and create an induction/training plan for new and inexperienced employees.
  • Identify potential hazards in your workplace and consider ways to eliminate them or to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Communicate with your employees, ask their opinions and engage their assistance in creating and maintaining a safe work environment.
  • Keep employee training up-to-date.
  • Workplace facilities should be suitable for your work environment.
  • Be aware of first aid requirements for your workplace and for individual employees.
  • Display up-to-date health and safety posters.
  • Get into the habit of reviewing your workplace safety and training and induction process regularly to ensure that it’s current.

Ensuring your employees work safely will be as much of a benefit to you as their productivity.  Taking the time to review health and safety regulations as well as having workers compensation audits is an essential business practice.