Misaligned goals

MisAligned Goals

Commercial Insurance Is Essentially A Very Expensive Credit Line In Reverse… 

Have you ever missed a payment on a Visa card only to watch your interest rate double because of that simple mistake? Misaligned goals are common and, unfortunately, costly. This happens all the time, and currently there is no way to take back that simple mistake. Like an offense, it stays on the record wherever you go, meaning being proactive and anticipating mistakes like this can be crucial to narrowing costs regardless of the amount of claims filed.

Find out how the commercial insurance marketplace works the same way. Why their goals and your goals are misaligned, trapping the commercial insurance buyer in a cycle of escalating premium increases.

Knowing their playbook helps you adjust your game plan to beat them and your competition. While your goals will never be aligned and on the same page, understanding their objective better will help navigate yourself to your own objectives: lower claims, lower premiums, less costs in general.


Still confused? Still have questions? We are here to help. That is, after all, our job!


Contact one of our professional risk advisors right now at 914-357-8444 or visit us at our website here.