Monitoring your Business and the Local Environment for Risks

One vital aspect of running a business is being able to understand the risks you face. Once you have a handle on that, you are in a much better place to initiate strategies for risk management. NY is a big, busy city with a large population that ranges from the very wealthy to people living on the streets, so there are huge variables in risk factors, depending on the type of business you own and where you are located.

To start with the basics go over your business plan to make sure you’re on track with your business activities and take the opportunity to review your insurance policies. From there, you can ask yourself whether your insurance is adequate for your business at the stage you have reached now. Or have you been so busy that your assets or risks have changed over time and you’ve not made the necessary changes to cover yourself against potential losses? Look at your location as well. Cities change over time too. What were previously considered high risk neighborhoods can become desirable up-market areas. Conversely, changing developments may mean that your area has become more industrialized or run down, leading to a different crime risk.

This kind of regular evaluation is an important part of risk management. NY offers many business opportunities, partly because of its vibrant, cosmopolitan nature. It can also be affected by natural disasters, severe weather events and acts of terrorism. Constant monitoring and maintaining awareness of developments, both in your business and its surrounds is a key to staying on top of the possible risks.
