Covid-19 outerwear

Resuming Business Operations During Covid-19

Foremost on most organization’s agenda is how do we resume operations in a COVID-19 world? Candidly it’s a bit complicated contingent on a great many factors. Here’s a very short list of some contingencies.

What does your operation look like; what do you do?  What does your service plant or office look like? How is it structured. Lastly, what’s your workflow & staffing levels to execute? Can you stagger staffing locations to create separation?   This shortlist of considerations to take to maximize the safety of your employees and customers.

At Metropolitan Risk part of our business model is to engage and vet high-quality partners that bring a risk mitigation skill set that our clients can leverage. Purchasing insurance is just another way to finance risk. The real magic and cost reductions happen when you marry the science & art of risk management with risk financing. Through the years we found our risk management recommendations weren’t always followed through because our clients lacked a network of these highly skilled individuals and firms by discipline.  Thus we thought we would make it easier for our clients to engage the necessary resources.

For purposes of today’s article, we partnered with Rich Landau of Jackson & Lewis. One of the preeminent employee law firms in the country. Rich was kind enough to share a LIST of things to consider as we begin to emerge from our COVID-19 induced stasis. Understand that this list is long and does not apply universally to every business. Think of this list as a general idea of what to consider as you make your own list to re-open.


Click here to download the list of suggestions to resume the operations of your organization in a COVID-19 world. 

For those of you who are Metropolitan Risk clients, we encourage you to speak to your Risk Advisor for assistance on how to build your own list.