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Cybersecurity Program Checklist Help

Cyber liability insurance is a trailer to a strong cybersecurity program. The insurance portion helps your organization recover costs associated with the negative effects of a successful cyber attack. Cyber liability insurance cannot prevent you from experiencing loss. A strong cybersecurity program can help mitigate some of the potential losses by making your organization a difficult cyber target.

Cybercriminals are looking for targets with minimum cybersecurity on their systems. If your organization trains your employees to recognize potential foul cyber activity and focuses on an organization-wide goal of cybersafety, you are on the right path to a strong cybersecurity program.

Managing Devices

Device management can seem like such a small part of a strong cybersecurity program, but according to NetStandard 1 in every 3 employees do not lock their work computers when they go to lunch or leave for work (1). This leaves the computers open for every device that accesses your organization’s files. Documents can also be an access point for cybercriminals. An effective device management program encourages your employees to lock down their devices with passwords and to use better when working in public workspaces.

Password Authentication Protection

We’ve previously highlighted the importance of using multi-factor password authentication. Password authenticators vary between digital & physical authenticators, as well as options that are a combination of both. All accounts at your organization should be outfitted with a multifactor authentication process. This added layer of cybersecurity can save your organization

Email, Webpages & Social Media

Cybersecurity is more than protecting your passwords and devices. A strong cybersecurity program includes using smart practices while reading emails, entering data into unfamiliar websites, and safe social media practices. Phishing scams are one of the most common ways cybercriminals gain access to company information. These criminals pose as a safe and familiar entity and request the victim to allow them access to the account they are trying to take over.

If you have any additional concerns regarding your cybersecurity program and cyber liability coverage contact a Risk Advisor at 914-357-8444