Telehealth Growth During COVID-19

While many markets have plummeted due to covid-19, one has seen immense growth: the telehealth market. Telehealth has come to be a great alternative for people trying to get medical advice on physical, behavioral, or mental questions. Whether it be a therapist for depression, a physician for a knee discomfort, or concerns and questions about covid, telehealth succeeds in helping all those hypothetical patients. Here are a few ways employers can help employees through telehealth during the pandemic. 

Allowing More Access to Telehealth:

While most employers offer their workers telehealth services, it is only to an extent. Allowing employees 24/7 access to medicals experts will increase morale and decrease employee injuries/mental wellness. While these experts can’t do things like diagnose covid or help with physical relief like in-person treatment, these experts can give crucial advice and medical insight into how to deal with these issues/symptoms.


More Communication about COVID:

The more your employees know about the covid disease and the current updates on it, the better. That is why a new study says at least 63% of workers would like their superiors to update them on covid-related info daily. Things such as news on daily stats, local news of covid, and about how medical experts are progressing on prevention.

Financial Incentives for Telehealth:

Just like employees, employers want their company to stay away from physical medical help as much as possible. They have as much incentive to keep their workers healthy and away from high-risk locations. That is why financial incentives such as discounts and small gift-cards benefit everyone. Employees get small financial incentives for going with telehealth. Employers, meanwhile, keep their employees safe.


Still want more information? Still have questions? Visit either of the two linked websites above. Contact a risk advisor today at 914-357-8444. Or, visit our website here.