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Top Blog Articles for 2015

Based on our analytics, these were the top read Blog Articles of 2015. We put a lot of time and thought into these. We are happy to see the dividends of our efforts. Every year business becomes more and more competitive which is why we must continue to educate and evolve if we are to continue to succeed.

The Disconnect Between Year End Planning and Execution

It’s a timely read at year end for companies of all sizes and shapes. I recently read a post by one of my favorite bloggers Seth Godin. The guy isn’t just prolific, he is usually spot on. In one of his recent posts he talked about the millions of hours companies all across the country spend with their teams planning and budgeting for the upcoming year. He referenced many of the phrases and descriptions folks use in their meetings and documents. Here are the reasons why most fail: Click here.

The 7 Errors Companies Make When Purchasing Their Insurance Program

Frankly, we could publish this every year and it would still be a hit. The mistakes are common and pervasive. Companies that understand the error of their ways and seek to improve how they mitigate and finance risk, ultimately have a huge competitive advantage in their native market place. Click Here for the quick read.

Understanding the Difference Between Cost of Risk and Cost of Risk Financing

A potential new client ask me what the difference was between insurance and risk management. It’s a great question. What floored me was that he ran a $100 million dollar company. I went home and wrote this article as I figured how many folks have the same question but were not comfortable asking it.

Knowing the answer and executing on the answer is a game changer for any company who wants to grow market share. Click here if you are curious.


Our blog articles have garnered the attention of many different clients, prospective leads, and curious people interested in the inner-workings of insurance. If you would like any more blog articles, you can visit our homepage of blog articles here.