Which Toys are Safest at Daycare?

When you are providing day care for young children, safety must always be of paramount concern. There can be few greater responsibilities than looking after someone else’s child or children. You’ll want to do all you can to avoid having any safety issues, and make sure you’re protected with day care insurance.

Play is one of the ways children both learn and explore their environment. As well as touching and smelling toys, one of the first things many children do with a new object (whether a toy or anything else their little fingers get hold of) is to put it straight into their mouths.

It is vital therefore that all children under three years of age do not have access to small objects, including toys, which could cause a choking hazard. Children over three may still need the occasional verbal reminder not to put things in their mouths.

It is not only small toys, such as miniature action figures (which might be left lying around by older children) and small balls, which can get stuck in a young child’s throat. Ordinary household items, such as bowls of nuts, popcorn, spools of thread and coins are also potential choking hazards.

According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, a good toy has several characteristics, including being age-appropriate and solidly built. Make sure the toys and environment you provide in your day care center are as safe as possible, and make sure you have the appropriate day care insurance for your business.
