Employee Errors which Could Lead to Workers’ Comp Claims

Do you need New York workers compensation insurance? It is typically required by law for all businesses with employees to carry this coverage. Even if you are excluded from this regulation however, you should still consider investing in insurance. As safe as your business may be for your staff, you cannot completely eliminate the possibility of an accident because of human error.

Have you ever heard the phrase “functional addict”? It is a term used to describe people who believe their addiction to drugs or alcohol does not have a negative effect on their life. Unfortunately, the truth is usually only the addict believes this. His or her friends and family may know firsthand the detrimental effects of the habit. A “functional addict” can sometimes be under the influence of a substance without it being obvious to those around them.

Exhaustion is also a common reason behind workplace accidents. The current economy has left hundreds of families struggling and living from one paycheck to the next. With the layoffs and pay cuts experienced by many in the last few years, it is not surprising to find that individuals are working two or three jobs to make ends meet. Exhaustion can lead to errors on the job, as well as slower reflexes.

Make sure you keep a close eye on your workers. Consider sending home anyone who seems unfit for duty. Failing to do so could lead to a workplace accident and a New York workers compensation insurance claim.
