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Work Injuries – Main Types and Causes

Work injuries are all too common in the workplace. Just this year alone, workplace injuries will cost businesses over $59 billion, and that number continues to increase every year. Among the list of top workplace injuries, the “usual suspects” always rank near the top. These being accidents caused by falling, mishandling of objects, and auto incidents always rank near the top. Improper machine use, slip and trip, and awkward posture also cause thousands of injuries a year. The other injury type that has come on of late is overexertion. Overexertion injuries cost $1 billion every week in treatment alone, and ergonomics, the study of how to improve workplace efficiency, is dedicated to stopping these injuries.

Many define work injuries as specific physical damage to a worker while on-site or completing a task at work. This is an important definition as it can be very unclear whether a worker deserves workers comp. or not based on his injury.

While we list the top-10 types of work injuries, there is a root cause for all work accidents. The number one reason for work injuries is negligence from a worker or employer. Many injuries can be avoidable if the worker pays more attention to certain surroundings in the work environment. Or, if employers paid attention to their worksites and their worker’s health and safety. Another way injuries can be avoided is more employee training. With more safety training and knowledge on how to use machinery/handle objects, employees’ jobs are a whole lot safer. Employers should invest the money into this training. While it may not be a profitable payment, they save hundreds of thousands on fewer workers comp claims and lower insurance premiums. Additionally, employees have more job training and can work more efficiently with greater output. This is an obvious win-win.

View our Work Injury Infographic


For more information, contact a Risk Advisor at 914-357-8444.