
Workers Comp Questions and Advice

There are 3 questions every organization should put to each level within their organization to get a sense for how aligned they are as it relates to managing employee injuries, near misses and workers comp claims in general. Doing so will open up plenty of different conversation with your employees regarding their answers. Hence, why these questions must be asked. The more you understand may be a hard pill to swallow, but it usually allows for progress within the company and potentially will help lower claims and in turn, lower premiums.

When it comes to insurance claims and workers comp injuries, Mark Twain’s famous quote jumps to the fore:

” It’s not what we don’t know that hurts us…it’s what we think we absolutely know that kills us.”

Executives, HR reps, and senior management are almost always shocked when they poll the employees of their company and ask these 3 crucial questions. Though fairly straightforward, the answers they receive usually are not. The video will go through the questions, what you might expect, what the answer usually is, and how you deal with this new batch of information.

This brief video should give you some pause. We suggest you poll your own employees as soon as possible. You might be shocked at what you discover from their answers.


Do you have questions about any of the content in the video? Contact one of our professional risk advisors at 914-357-8444. Or, visit our website for more information here. We are always here to help.