Self Insured Trusts

Why Current Economic Conditions Are Perfect To Restructure Your Insurance Program

In our opinion, there is no better time to consider alternative risk transfer as a strategy to get more cost-efficient with respect to your current commercial property insurance, commercial liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, & commercial auto insurance.

As I write this the country and the world are about to exit the covid pandemic. If we frame the current conditions in terms of where we are in the property insurance, liability insurance & workers compensation insurance buying cycle; conditions couldn’t be more favorable to give your company a significant competitive advantage.

Taxes :

Since all 3 branches of government have changes hands in the last several years there are strong tailwinds pushing for significant tax increases which will erode corporate resources. We suggest utilizing a Captive Insurance strategy can give you significant tax efficiencies allowing you to keep the dollars inside your company to help reduce your variable cost structure. DOWNLOAD our Guide to Utilizing Captives by CLICKING  HERE.

Coverage Availability & Rates :

Currently, we are in the through of a “HARD MARKET”; where conditions favor the insurance carriers as they restrict coverage and increase rates. Insurance buyers are frustrated because they have limited options. Further, they feel squeezed, and rightly so. The carriers are pointing to the “Social Inflation” of liability and commercial auto claims due to the insane jury awards. Buyers are pointing to “profits” earned and surplus growth to counter that claim. We think the buyers have a legit gripe.

Risk As Strategy :

Smart forwarding thinking CFO’s and C-Suite Executives understand that if they can leverage their balance sheets by increasing their retentions EFFICIENTLY, they can gain significant cost advantages that they can bake into their COGS (Cost of Goods & Services). If done properly they can reduce their insurance program costs by 35% which allows them to grow profits, market share, or both. Remember every dollar you save in your insurance program falls directly to the bottom line.

To understand if your company could benefit from a partial or full-on program restructuring CLICK HERE to schedule a 15-minute call. In 5 questions we can figure out if the strategy has legs for your org.